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January 31, 2022

Our Top 5 Motion Graphics Trends for 2022

We believe in doing digital marketing differently. That’s why we don’t just do one thing. And it’s why our fingers are always on the pulse. Like a game of chess, you always need to be several moves ahead of your competitors.

When it comes to motion graphics, everything moves so quickly. We’re not just talking about what’s happening on-screen either, but within the industry itself. Stick to a trend too long and you’ll find you’re stuck in the past.

We’ve dug deep to find out the future of motion graphics, so you don’t have to. Whilst there’s a lot more to implementing motion graphics into your digital marketing strategy, you’ll want to keep your eye out for these five motion graphic trends in 2022.

Kinetic Typography

Online stores are everywhere. They’re popping up on every corner of the Internet. So, if you’ve got any hope of standing out, you need to shoot your shot with eye-catching motion graphics.

Kinetic typography – which is moving text, to you and I –will be your weapon of choice. Kinetic typography’s head-turning effects capture attention and guide your visitors through the story your site is trying to tell.

If brand awareness is on your agenda this year, kinetic typography is an easy way to achieve it. Using the fonts you always use – or something new if you’re planning a brand refresh – you bring your brand to life as it ebbs and flows.

Thin Lines & Self Drawing Lines

Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most effective. Like the classic Victoria Sponge is to baking, thin lines are to motion graphics in 2022.

Thin lines have always given direction, defined shapes, and dictated moods. This year, they’re doubling down on helping you bring realism to your brand. Super-thin, extra-distinctive lines allow you to create motion graphics that feel like living, breathing hand-drawn pictures.

It’s unique, it’s personable, and it’s content that can easily be shared. Our eyes scroll through so much content, so giving us something simple is a good way of standing out.

Collages & Mixing Styles

So, this trend isn’t really a style. It’s an experiment. Like a painter and their pallet, this is messing around with motion graphics, mixing up styles to make something entirely new.

You’re not throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks, though. Animated collages are your opportunity to create a curated collection of visuals that work together to tell your brand’s story.

There’s a lot of opportunities, whether it’s illustrations, photos, or digital footage. You can start with something simple, like a photo you’ve taken on your phone. You can add video clips of the world around you, textural effects like glitches and grains, and swirling colours.

It can be chaotic, it can be creative, and it can be crazy – and it will catch your customer’s eyes and get those all-important clicks.

Nostalgia & Retro Styles

It’s a little weary in the world lately. People long for comfort, and they clutch to memory lane like it’s a warm blanket. So with this 2022 trend, you’ll feed into that.

You’re taking styles, images and motifs from years gone by and revitalising them. Anything that’s been eternally embedded into popular culture over the years is fair game. Evoke a sense of nostalgia by pulling in the pop culture references that influence and inspire your brand.

Our tip for 2022 is that the time machine is taking off from the 80’s vaporwave revival and gothic chic for the 90’s MTV-inspired Memphis styles and simple emojis. It’s colourful, it’s eye-catching, and it’s comforting. Childhood memories make a difference to your customers, remember that.


Are your bounce rates bothering you? Worried about our attention spans getting shorter and shorter? There’s a solution, and it’s quite simple. It’s called Morphing.

Morphing changes one image or shape into another. It’s an effect built on seamless transitions and storytelling. Like a visual magnet that sticks our attention to it, morphing motion graphics keep you watching until the end.

It’s a motion graphic trend made for web design. And it also works wonders for your SEO, too. It keeps visitors eyes on your page, increasing the time they spend on your website. And Google appreciates that, so you’ll find yourself climbing rankings.

More than just a motion graphic agency

Motion graphic agencies do one thing. But we’re a digital marketing agency designed to help you achieve your goals as a business and brand. And motion graphics is just one string to our bow. Get in touch with us today to find out how you can go a step ahead of your competitors.

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Astronaut - Moon - Star DigitalAstronaut - Moon - Star Digital