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Website Quote

Sprink Labels



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Website Quote


Sprink are looking to move away from the current look and feel of their website which is heavily geared towards large B2B clients.

Instead they have made the decision to focus their attention on B2C customers and smaller B2B clients as this is where they feel they are seeing the most success.

The goal is to make systematic changes to key pages which in turn will allow them to see positive results quickly. Sprink require an agency to support them with both design and development.

Our Solution

Our design team has put together a design for the Dibor website, we really wanted to push the look of the site, updating to something more modern and giving it a fresher feeling whilst implementing elements that can easily be updated an changed with the seasons and trends. We feel the website should really put the products at the forefront and highlight the great photography you are producing.

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We have found over many projects that it is significant easier for a client to guide the design process once we have something already on paper. Something you can point to and say i like this, this bit not so much. The design work provided serves as a starting point, and whilst we hope that you like it is not meant to be a final product, but rather a guide to help further iterations following further conversations with the client


Estimated Pricing

The below quote should be used as and estimate of the project, a full scope would be required to finalise the pricing.

8 Hour Support Retainer
£680/month (ex VAT)

Basic Support package covering simple development work and any ongoing design changes. The retainer can also be used against any digital marketing work and we would recommend some of the time be used for technical SEO.

12 Hour Support Retainer
£1,020/month (ex VAT)

A more comprehensive retainer focusing on design and development work, aimed at upgrading your website whilst remaining adaptable to changing to marketing efforts as needed. The 12 hour block also allows some dedicated time for keyword research that will great help your organic ranking in google.

20 Hour - Design and Development Retainer
£1,700/month (ex VAT)

The 20 hour support block is the dedicated website overhaul package. The additional hours provide a great platform to make the required changes to your website fast whilst the on going support will allow you to make change specific to events and promotions.

Website Testing

Testing involves a range of processes, such as cross-browser testing, responsive design testing, and user experience testing, to ensure the website works seamlessly across all devices and platforms. The testing process identifies any errors, bugs, or glitches in the website and provides recommendations for improvement. By thoroughly testing a website, businesses can ensure the site is user-friendly, accessible, and optimised for search engines.

Optional extra
Initial SEO setup

An initial SEO setup is a necessary aspect of digital marketing to improve website visibility in search engine results pages. This one-off audit of the website ensures technical SEO is optimised correctly, and essential elements like alt tags, meta titles, and descriptions are correctly set up. It also ensures the site is in the best health to start ranking well in search results. When migrating a website will also handle all of the 301 Redirects.

This service includes a comprehensive SEO audit report and recommendations for improvements, offered at a one-off cost of £1,500 (ex VAT).

All pricing is provided ex VAT

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